Friday, June 18, 2010


I was listening to a song by a friend of mine Emaurie Wood's, worship leader at the WATCH in Lynchburg, Virginia. The song is called "Adopted", it's got some simple words, "You have been adopted, into the family of God, so that makes you privileged to everything He's got for you."

"Come into the family of God, no more an orphan"....when I hear those words, I'm drawn to Luke 15, there I find the story of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Leave the ninety-nine, look in every nook and cranny, he was lost and now found.

The lost son was undeserving because of sin - but still worthy of love according to his father, even privileged to everything his father had for him. We are that lost son, it's only because of Jesus that we receive the love of God. Jesus' death on the cross funded our adoption.

Check out this website:

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