Friday, June 18, 2010


I was listening to a song by a friend of mine Emaurie Wood's, worship leader at the WATCH in Lynchburg, Virginia. The song is called "Adopted", it's got some simple words, "You have been adopted, into the family of God, so that makes you privileged to everything He's got for you."

"Come into the family of God, no more an orphan"....when I hear those words, I'm drawn to Luke 15, there I find the story of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Leave the ninety-nine, look in every nook and cranny, he was lost and now found.

The lost son was undeserving because of sin - but still worthy of love according to his father, even privileged to everything his father had for him. We are that lost son, it's only because of Jesus that we receive the love of God. Jesus' death on the cross funded our adoption.

Check out this website:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

OK on a more serious note today, I was doing some research on Hanson's Disease (leprosy)...Found some startling facts...The US, currently has 13 documented cases of leprosy on our soil, thanks to modern medicine and access to that health care our infection level is very low.

Researching 3rd world countries - I found that India with a population of 1.3 billion people has 4.5 million documented cases of Hanson's Disease. I've seen these people with my own eyes several times, no fingers or toes many missing limbs. Its alarming.

Psalm 92:1-3 - It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening, accompanied by the ten string harp and the melody of the lyre.

In America we have many 6 string guitars, 5 string bases, cello's, violin's, banjo's - but none are 10 string. David is talking about a 10 string instrument that we all have - our fingers! We can clap, serve, work, etc...

The lepers in India do not have that privilege, but still rejoice. My challenge today for myself is to worship God with my everything.

Musician, laborer, friend, would you still worship the LORD if you lost your hands?

Worship God in the midst of your storm, your disease, your pain - God will show His glory in the midst of the downpour. Turn your sorrows in to joy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm thinking marriage


Marriage not in the male - female, covenental sense...but...the caffeinated - bumper to bumper marriage. Whoa, whoa, whoa - you may think....where is this guy going? There is no fruit in my mind.
Let's bring these two together - see picture A. Coffee, see picture B. Interstate 35. Harry and Esther Snyder of the In and Out Chain in California may have invented the first drive thru window, but I'm envisioning the first ever cruise thru while in traffic coffee window.
The concept is easy, instead of just paying a toll and getting a friendly smile or a grunt from the change lady at the toll booth. Why not a "It's my pleasure and here's your cup of coffee", I would be more inclined to drive the newly built toll roads in Austin.
Final thoughts: This would divert much of the traffic downtown and keep everyone alert on the road.